KidSport changes announced 7 July 2024! Children can now access up to $500 each financial year.

Current KidSport voucher round:

  • 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

Funding available per child resets on 1 July each year.


Who is eligible?

Child must be:

  • 5–18 years old.
  • Registering with a KidSport Club.
  • Named on a valid Services Australia Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card.

This form should be completed by the parent or guardian of the child.

What you need to apply:

  • Your email address and mobile number.
  • A copy of your concession card.
  • The name of the KidSport Club.

No concession card? A Special Consideration may help if your family is in financial distress.

Need help? Contact DLGSC or a support service.

This child has used $0 of the available $0 this financial year.
Up to $0 may be available.

To continue your application, click the button below.
We are sorry but you can not claim another voucher at this time.
You can apply for a new voucher from 1 July 2025.